Archive for category Flowers.

Flea Repellent?
Beginning of Spring
So many layers....
Marsh Mallow
Single Flax
Early to Rise!
Straw Flower
Wild Mustard
Ahhhh, Spring!
Pumkin Blossom
Stand out in the crowd
Morning, Glory!
Red Coreopsis
Pink Coreopsis
Sunny Rudbeckia
Heavy Seedhead
Huge Sunflower
Surprise Lillies
Surprise Lillies
Surprise!  Lillies!
Spent Poppies
Face the Sunrise!
Ahhhh, Summer!
Bee Heaven Chianti Sunflower
Chianti Sunflower
Snowcap Shasta Daisies
Field of Flax
Fiber Rich Flax
Another Poppy at Sunset
Orange Poppy at Sunset
Coreopsis in Set Aside
Golden Sunday Morning